Future Derailed: Page 11

It had been nine months since Jessie had admitted she was trans. Since then she had accepted herself and started her path to a happier life.

“That’s going to look amazing on you!”

“But what if someone says something about me trying on a dress?”

“First, no one is going to, but if they do I’ve got you. Don’t let anyone else hold you back.” Namine’s big smile was enough to help Jessie with her nerves, at least enough to head into the changing room with the first of many dresses. 

 The bunny had started therapy the next week.

“I see you’ve already changed your name to Jessie? Was that related, or just wanted a change?” The little otter had asked. 

“Well, a little of both? My old name was my dad’s, so I wanted away from that, but also… Jessie just always felt more me?”

“I can understand that. If you decide you want to change again, that’s also okay. So tell me more about you.”

Six months ago she started hormones. Her therapist was actually not rude about her going another route to get it, so that was a plus.

“Honestly, I’m not supposed to say this, but that is probably the easiest way to go about things. I have to wait to recommend you start hormones, but if you’re ready I’m not going to get in the way.”

Jessie gave them the biggest smile. If she didn’t think it would have been inappropriate, she would’ve hugged the otter.

 She was noticing the changes little by little and was thrilled. It had been years since the little rabbit had felt happy about herself, but here she was. 

“I haven’t been this happy since I was a kid!” She was practically hopping around the kitchen. 

“Oh, I can tell. You’ve been practically glowing the last few months. It’s been lovely to see.” Namine gave the bunny a hug from behind as she cooked breakfast. 


Namine had been wonderful the whole way. Despite the way they had come into each other’s lives, Jessie couldn’t see herself where she was without the wolf. So lying in bed, she smiled as she thought about her. Mommy… 

She took a deep breath and pulled herself out of bed and down the hall. Jessie knocked on the door, shifting from foot to foot. Namine opened the door to find Jessie there peeking at her from behind the big plushie she had taken to her room months before. 

“Yes sweetie? It’s one o’clock… is everything okay?” She asked, trying not to sound worried. Jessie tried to answer but couldn’t find her words. Instead she nodded shyly and bounced there in the hall. If she couldn’t spit out what she wanted to ask then this was going to be much harder than she had anticipated and that was saying something. 

Finally she managed to squeak out “Follow…” before scurrying down the hall. She stopped every few feet to make sure the wolf was behind her before finally stopping outside the nursery and bouncing excitedly. 

<Edited by @Aliceko_chan over on Twitter!>

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