
The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. What would these skeeze bags have done if the family had come home with Ami still here? Pricks only thought about themselves I bet. So I listened at the door for them to be back on guard. I was about to teach them a lesson they would never forget. With them back on either side of the door, I stepped back, took a big puff off the adrenaline inhaler I kept in my bag and kicked the door out.

The frame splintered as the hinges were forced out. The guy to the right took the door to the face and crumpled out. The flashes of pastel colors obscured my vision again, but not enough to keep me from rushing the other guy and bulldogging him face first into the floor. I could swear I heard a music box as I got back to my feet. I was feeling a little fuzzy headed. Ami’s face looking back at me while she climbed out the window came back to me and I realized where I had seen her before. 


<Five years ago, my first big job.>

“So what was it you needed my help with here?” I asked Tracey, the girl who had hired me to help her with a job at this lab. 

“They’ve been taking people off the streets to test some mind altering crap on them. My kid brother was one of them. He got out, but hasn’t been the same since. So we go in and shut them down.” I could hear the anger she was trying to hide, but I got it. Shitty Corp brainwashing street kids? I could get behind taking them down. 

It was after hours, so all we had to do was go in like the cleaning crew. Security was pretty relaxed, barely even looked up as we badged in. Tracey handled all the hacking, I was there to watch her back. Within twenty minutes she had completely wiped their system and people were looking out of the doors she unlocked. 

“Okay, now we lead them out?” I was unsure what the plan was until Tracey pulled the molotov out. After that things got a bit more fast paced. 

“Fire!” One of the guys shouted and everyone rushed to the exit. The security was so caught off  guard that they rushed out with everyone else. No use in them getting killed for a paycheck after all. As I followed Tracey away from the chaos I noticed one girl who had seemed out of place. She didn’t seem as scared as everyone else, instead she watched us curiously. 


“Fuck… Ami had been one of them… and she was back at the same ol shit…” I looked at the two unconscious guys I had just taken down. I kind of felt bad, but bringing this sort of thing was still putting their families in danger. Hopefully they learned that lesson if nothing else.

I stumbled back out the building. With the colors and sounds popping up, I knew I had to get checked out. I needed to see Jacobi.

<Edited by @Aliceko_chan over on Twitter!>

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